2025-26 School Year Enrollment Lottery Entry is now CLOSED.
Information regarding the lottery and enrollment process is below.
The entry period opened on Thursday January 9th, 2025 and closed at 11:59 pm on Thursday February 6th, 2025.
The drawing will be held on February 13th, 4PM at Schoolcraft.
At the lottery we draw lots from entrants to establish an initial “waitlist” for the 2025-26 school year. Once we know how many spots we have open in each grade level, we begin contacting families to fill open seats in the order established on the waitlist. For Kindergarten this will start in early spring 2025. For grades 1-8 spots will be offered as spots become available.
Information regarding the lottery and enrollment process is below.
Enrollment Process
All openings at all grade levels will be filled from a waiting list established by state-mandated lottery to be held each February for the following school year. Waiting lists do not carry over from year to year. Prospective students must be re-entered into the lottery each year. Priority will be given to a sibling of an enrolled pupil and to a foster child of that pupil's parents and may give preference for enrolling children of the school's staff before accepting other pupils by lot. Placement of students and class sizes/make-up will be at the discretion of the Director. Kindergarten students must be 5 years of age on or before September 1st of the school year for which they are applying.
Full enrollment policy available via the link at the bottom of this page.
Open Applications
Schoolcraft Learning Community welcomes applications from all students. No child will be refused admission based on race, ethnicity, gender, religion, economic status, intellectual, athletic, or creative ability. All students must apply for admission. Priority for admission will be given to siblings of currently enrolled students per Minnesota charter school law.
Students entered using the 2024-25 Post Lottery submission links are placed on the 2024-25 waiting list on the order they are received.
Use the "Apply" link above.
*Please note that the waitlist for each school year is completely separate. Entry on one year's list does not enter you into any other school year's list.
Equal Opportunity Statement
Schoolcraft Learning Community is an Equal Opportunity Employer and education provider. It is our policy to comply with all applicable Equal Employment Opportunity laws and regulations. Therefore, recruiting, hiring, training, promotion, discipline, compensation, benefits and all other employment or enrollment decisions will be made without regard to race, creed, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability, actual or perceived sexual orientation, status with respect to public assistance, or other protected class status.
Per Minnesota Statutes, section 124E.11, a charter school must publish on its website a lottery policy and process that it must use when accepting pupils by lot. This policy is available at the below link: