E-Learning Info

As a reminder, the expectations for E-Learning Days are as follows: 


Students in grades K-5 will engage in reading/writing, math, and specialist in the form of a choice board. These choice boards were sent home with families at conferences in November. K-5 students have two days to complete one day's worth of choice boards and return it back to their teacher to be counted for attendance. If your child's choice boards have been misplaced, you can find them by clicking on the following link: 



Students in grade 6-8 will engage in online learning through their Google Classrooms. Students will login in for crew and each of their core classes according to the schedule below. Attendance will be taken in each class. If your student is having troubles logging in to their Google meet, please reach out to their teacher. 

Middle School Schedule:

  • 9:00 Crew:

  • 9:30-10:30: 

    • 6th Grade Humanities

    • 7th Grade Science

    • 8th Grade Math

  • 10:30-11:30: 

    • 6th Grade Science

    • 7th Grade Math

    • 8th Grade Humanities

  • 11:30-12:30: 

    • 6th Grade Math

    • 7th Grade Humanities

    • 8th Grade Science